Privacera Centralized Access Control

Privacera Centralized Access Control

Ensuring consistent security and privacy policies of data stored in different cloud platforms can be difficult, time-consuming, and inefficient.

Privacera enables consistent compliance policies for GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, HIPAA, and other regulations for data distributed across multiple cloud databases, analytics platforms, reporting systems, and geographies.

Privacera’s centralized access control capability (based on an Apache Ranger architecture) provides a single pane of glass for extremely efficient and fine-grained control – at the database, table, column, and row levels – to ensure only the right people have the right access to the right data.

Enterprises can also define a policy once and Privacera will automatically apply it to all services, alleviating the need for in-house resources on the intricacies of security for each cloud datastore. This streamlines data security processes and reduces IT workload for secure access control.

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