Privacera Enhances Data Security Posture Management Solution

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Privacera today redefines the landscapes of cybersecurity and data governance with the launch of its Posture Manager, a cutting-edge addition to its acclaimed data security governance solution. As enterprises increasingly migrate sensitive data to the cloud—a prime target for cybersecurity threats—Posture Manager, a new module in Privacera’s Unified Data Security Platform, delivers a one-stop-shop for understanding and mitigating security and privacy risks, offering a comprehensive solution for data security posture management. Posture Manager not only identifies data risks but also empowers organizations to manage and mitigate them immediately, aligning with marketing research that highlights the need for robust protection against data-centric cyber attacks. This makes the company’s offering even more relevant to the needs of chief information security officers and chief information officers. 

Amidst tightening regulations such as the SEC’s recent mandates for rapid disclosure of material cybersecurity incidents, Privacera’s Posture Manager proves essential. This innovative solution proactively scans and pinpoints sensitive or PII data across hybrid cloud environments, ensuring that organizations can swiftly navigate the complexities of data security and compliance. With such capabilities, Posture Manager not only aids in fulfilling regulatory requirements but also fortifies the overall security posture of organizations, protecting them against the evolving threats in today’s digital world. 

For those interested in getting a first hand experience with Privacera, we are offering a 90 free trial that includes sensitive data discovery, access management, masking, encryption and the new Posture Manager. Sign up for the trial here.

Drivers of Data Security Posture Management

A recent SEC mandate requiring organizations to promptly report material cybersecurity incidents underscores the critical challenge of identifying and understanding the contents of dispersed data across cloud platforms. Since organizations are now compelled to assess the materiality of incidents within four business days, CIOs confess that this often involves a laborious forensic effort due to the opacity of data’s locations and its potential impact. This complexity is amplified by the exponential increase in cloud data repositories, which, while boosting innovation and sometimes enhancing security over traditional data centers, also creates vast, uncharted territories of data that remain hidden or undermanaged.

Moreover, the proliferation of cloud repositories can lead to “shadow data”—data pools that are unaccounted for and unprotected because they are not directly linked to ongoing business projects. This poses a significant risk as, according to Verizon’s 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report, such vulnerabilities have led to thousands of security incidents and data breaches. The existing data security technologies, which are often unable to detect these dormant or obscure data repositories, fall short in providing a robust defense against such threats. Thus, there is an urgent need for advanced solutions that can not only locate but also evaluate these repositories for compliance with data residency, privacy, and security regulations, thereby ensuring a consistent and secure data management framework.

Key Posture Manager Capabilities

At the heart of Privacera’s Data Security Governance Platform, the newly introduced Posture Manager is built on three foundational capabilities: visualization, impact assessment, and seamless integration with existing security tools. These core features empower users to not only visualize data security posture across their entire cloud landscape but also evaluate the potential impact of risks and enhance their existing security frameworks through robust integration. This trifecta of capabilities ensures organizations can proactively manage and mitigate vulnerabilities, maintaining a robust defense in the ever-evolving cybersecurity arena.

Visualize  Your Sensitive Data Posture   

Posture Manager enables organizations to determine where in the organization there is sensitive data risk. This involves discovering and visualizing the presence of sensitive data, provisioned privileges, and access patterns across your hybrid data estate. A key element of doing this involves creating a Sensitive Data Map showing location of structured and unstructured sensitive data, who has access to it, who is accessing it, and the business risk from all three. This determines where there is data exposure. 

Assess the Risk Impact of Your Data Security Posture

Posture Manager helps determine the inappropriate use of data and aids in rectifying it. Posture Manager displays where there is over provisioning plus what needs to be fixed by policy and control. This matches access and usage patterns with access provisioned. Organizations do this by creating risk scores based on source and data category. Risk scores are based on source, data sensitivity level, and amount of access provisioned. This helps business and data leaders determine their posture and risk exposure. 

Next, Posture Manager determines user access patterns that indicate a business risk. Here abnormal events are evaluated that detect and flag unusual access patterns or activities that may indicate potential security risks. This helps business and data leaders determine they have an individual posture and risk exposure. Next, they can determine where user access patterns indicate business risk. Finally, it determines who has access and who is accessing sensitive data across the organization. With data access patterns and access log, organizations can understand access patterns and track appropriate usage of data. 

Integrate Posture Data With Your Security Tooling

The analytics provided in Posture Manager can easily be extended and customized. In addition, Posture Manager integrates with security analytics platforms including SIEM with their data via  Privacera Open Integration.


Privacera has launched Posture Manager, a sophisticated addition to its leading Data Security Platform, designed to enhance data security posture management. This innovation addresses the urgent need for robust data security as sensitive corporate data increasingly migrates to cloud environments, where it is frequently targeted by cyber threats. 

Posture Manager excels by offering comprehensive capabilities that include visualization of security landscapes, impact assessment of potential risks, and integration with existing security tools. These features are crucial for organizations to effectively manage and respond to risks, especially in light of recent SEC mandates that require swift reporting and detailed disclosure of material cybersecurity incidents. By fortifying data security practices and compliance, Privacera’s Posture Manager positions organizations to better protect against and respond to cybersecurity challenges in today’s digital world. To learn more, please visit the Posture Manager Web Page.

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