Automate Privacy and Compliance

Proactively Manage Privacy.

Privacy and compliance challenges

Exploding the volume of data

Diversity of data types

Privacy across internal/external systems

Privacera helps you
the challenges of Privacy and Compliance

The only way to succeed in the face of these challenges is to pair automated PII discovery with simplified policy creation and control. 

Privacera’s automated approach ensures compliant, authorized, fair, and legitimate processing of personal information and private data.

Succeed from a privacy impact assessment to global policies and global controls.

Discover PII Automatically Across All Data Systems

Automate discovery of exposed PII across all data systems and the entire data estate. Our solution determines data elements that need to be depersonalized or de-identified of sensitive data elements via prebuilt rules. Critical data elements include names, addresses, phone numbers, and national or tax identification numbers. Enable data privacy professionals to determine class attributes for access authorization, including roles, policies, and rules for access.

Protect Data Across All Data Systems

Implement global controls simultaneously across all systems instead of the system by system using Attribute and Tag based access controls and compliance workflows. Ensure transparent controls and consistent enforcement. Privacy can now ensure privacy rules are entered into metadata repositories according to privacy policies.

Develop Global and System Policies

Protect personal information by codifying privacy policies and controls. Control unauthorized access and inappropriate behavior by defining global and system controls as well as roles, behaviors, data classes, and locations. Easily attributable definitions, efficient controls, and global policies are key to automating consistent policy implementation and enforcement.

Manage and Audit Proactively

Support the principles of Privacy by Design, including the proactive management of privacy across the end-to-end lifecycle. This approach allows for continuous improvement, measuring conformance with policies and policy-build processes, and the auditing of policies and controls.

Resources to help you fast track
the value of all your data responsibly

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  • Get to 100% of your data, 95% faster
  • Reduce complexity for unlimited scale
  • Write once. Apply everywhere
  • Why serve? when you can self-serve?